New nutrition label

Today we’ve released the 5.0.12 version of Zip Recipes lover, which now includes an alternative method to display the Nutrition Label. Until now, the Nutrition Label was generated as an image, downloaded to your site, then displayed below the recipe. This was great, but had a downside: search engines like Google have much more trouble […]

Will your food blog be affected by Chrome’s security warnings? 😨

Chrome's NOT SECURE warning on food blog

According to some stats, Google’s Chrome browser is used by 64% of the internet. So, when you get an email from Google itself with the subject, Chrome will show security warnings on YOUR WEBSITE, your hearts starts to pound a little faster…because you’re not crazy! You probably get the majority of the traffic from Google Search […]

Get Your Recipes To Pop-out and Get Noticed

You’re trying to get more readers to your blog. How do you do that? You certainly don’t do it by being plain Jane or Joe! You’ve already done the hard work of creating your recipe, taking mouth-watering’re almost there…don’t quit now! You would never buy a product on Amazon if it has no ratings. […]

Version 4.9 is out – more fields for you!

Truth be told, I released version 4.8 but I had introduced a bug with translations (basically broke them) so I ended up releasing 4.9 right away to fix that. This image illustrates the new features really well:   As you can see, now you can set your recipe’s category (entree, dessert, appetizer, etc.) and also set […]

What Life in a Developing Country Taught Me About Food

This is a guest post from Kenden Alfond. I distinctly remember getting off the plane in Chennai, India for my first overseas position as an American Jewish World Service volunteer. I was 28 years old, it was 3 AM, and the NGO forgot to pick me up. I sat on the curb for an hour and half, […]