Become an Affiliate

Zip Recipes is the WordPress plugin that makes recipe management a breeze!

Perks of becoming a ZIP Recipes affiliate

What do you get?


ZIP Recipes is available for WordPress. The most popular CMS for websites, with over 30% market share.


We are happy with every customer who uses our plug-in. We would like to thank you for subscribing more customers. That’s why you get 30% of every plug-in downloaded through your affiliate network.

Premium Support

Do you have any questions about the affiliate program? Feel free to send us a message.

Rogier Lankhorst

senior developer

As the developer of Really Simple SSL, Rogier is no stranger in the WordPress community. With 3 million+ users and #8 of the most popular plugins, WordPress has no secrets. He loves tacos.

Petroeska lankhorst

Chef de cuisine

…will be looking at Zip Recipes from a user perspective, and will be adding new recipes on our demo site to show what can be done with Zip Recipes, and to get new ideas for the plugin as well. Rogier and Mark know their way around a plug-in…put that together and there you have it: Zip Recipes!

Mark Wolters

Developer developer and technical support specialist. Mark will help you with all support questions and knows everything there is to know about Zip Recipes and SSL. Besides developing, he spends his time doing Muay Thai, fitness and listening to exotic vinyl records.

Aert Hulsebos

junior developer

… is known for his prompt support and eye for detail, Aert won’t stop until our users are happy. Making a complicated and challenging subject easy to configure for users is his main focus.

More from our team!

Our plugin family is getting bigger and bigger!

Really Simple SSL

Easily migrate your website to SSL with this plugin. One click is all it takes!