Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Who are you?
My name is Jesus Chomon. I am a Spanish internet developer, 50 years old, and I work in the financial sector. Long ago, I created one of the most important trade and exchange websites in my country so I have always kept in touch with internet and online marketing
How did your blog,, start?
It started as a hobby. I have always liked to keep a project on the go. One day I gave my mother a thermomix for her birthday and since I like cooking with her I decided to start a blog.
How many visitors do you get per day?
20.000 to 25.000 per day
Is it your main source of income, or do you have other business interests as well?
It is a hobby, I still keep my day job…:)
What was your goal for your blog when you started? Did you realise that already? If so; what helped you realise it? If not: what will it take to realise it, do you think?
It was simply a hobby, in the beginning I did not expect much more
What are you most proud of, regarding your blog?
A little bit of everything. I have gone from zero to many visitors in a short time and the truth is that seeing how you grow also gives satisfaction.
In your eyes, is there a difference between the foodblogs in different countries? For example, do you think that your Spanish thermomix blog is different from a dutch thermomix blog? And if so, what differences would you name?
There is not much difference. Only the fact that the language that you choose gives you a certain target audience. And that you have to choose the recipes according to the tastes of each country. Otherwise it is very similar.
What made you decide to choose Ziprecipes as a plug in?
At the time I had already tried quite a few. This one I liked the most and I went for it. Within a short time I saw I made the right decision because it works really well, the updates are constant and the service they provide is simply fantastic.
Are you happy with that decision? (Feel free to be honest… :))
100% 🙂
Do you have a tip for the developers of Zip, something to be developed that you would really like?
Every time I think of something I communicate it and they almost always take note and always take into account the advice or opinions we give them.
Is there something you would like to say to other foodbloggers?
Only that ZipRecipes is a fantastic plugin and they need to try it;)