The last few weeks I’ve been working on a new interface for Zip Recipes. There were some issues with saving data, and personally, I didn’t like the old interface very much. This update is scheduled to be released next week.
Please know that this update is only the beginning! My aim with Zip Recipes is to make it the easiest to use plugin available. I hope you will feel this is a step in the right direction: more improvements are on their way, but if you have any ideas, just let me know!
The plugin is now in beta, testing is really appreciated, this can be done by downloading it here.
The recipes now have their own overview, where you can edit and delete them. In each post, you can switch recipes, add new, or insert an existing recipe. This works the same both for Gutenberg as for Classic Editor.
In the old interface, you couldn’t access a recipe if you removed the shortcode. This problem is now resolved. The update also creates more room for the user interface, so we can now show a live preview of the recipe.