So dedicated that he quit

A few years back, I read a story about a guy transforming his life using his password. The idea is that you type your password so often and if you set it to a goal, you’re constantly typing it and thinking about it. I tried the strategy. In 2014, I set my password to Freedom2014. […]

How I get direction throughout my day

Last August, a friend shared a tip he had heard from a productivity course he was taking. It was quite simple: set goals at the beginning of the day in a diary. At the end of the day, review them and see how you did. Do this everyday. Often times, we read a book cover […]

I got inspired in Banff, Alberta

Last weekend, my friend and I decided to take some time off and go to Banff, Alberta. At Fairmont Banff Springs, I shot this video reflecting on something I witness. BTW, the background is NOT a wallpaper 😍