Nutrition label in Zip Recipes free

In the most recent version of Zip Recipes (free version) a new feature has been introduced: a beautiful styled HTML and CSS Nutrition Label. To get this label you can just enter all the nutrition data, and it will appear below your recipe. When not enough data is present, it won’t show. When the data is there, it will show up like this:


Or you can take a look at the nutrition label on our demo site for a live preview.

If you still prefer the nutrition data to show in text, you can just enable the option “use text for nutrition data”. If you enable “hide nutrition info”, it will be hidden, both text and label.

The data will get automatically sent with your site in Google friendly json+ld, which is Google’s preferred method for rich snippets.



If your license is activated, you should be able to update from the WordPress plugins dashboard. If this doesn’t work, there’s probably a configuration issue on your server. We’ve listed several of the most common causes.

Sure! Just go to your account, then click “view licenses”, then “view upgrade”. There you have options to pay the additional amount.

The download link you received in the initial e-mail is valid for 24 hours. After the link has expired you can log in to your ZIP Recipes account to download the plugin again. When logged in to your account you will see a section “your purchases”. 

Clicking on the ‘View Details and Downloads’ button will take you to a new page. On this new page scroll down to locate the ‘Products’ section. In the products section you can click on the plugin hyperlink to download the plugin.

To install the plugin, you can follow these instructions on Really Simple SSL

When you purchase one of our plugins an account is created automatically. You can reset your password here

If you don’t remember the email you used for the purchase, or did the purchase before the automatic account creation was activated, please contact us and we’ll set it up for you. 

You can create a new password via the following link:

When getting a ‘this email is not authorized to renew license’ error, try clearing cookies from your browser. That will likely solve the issue.

If you click the download link after you have purchased a plugin, you should download a zipped file which you can upload to WordPress. If this is not the case, you are probably using Safari. This is easy to fix. Go to:

Safari > Preferences > General > Open “safe” files after downloading: uncheck.