How to Use the Zip Recipes Plugin
How to make a recipe post (gutenberg) 1. Once you’ve installed the Zip Recipes Plugin, click “Add New” under Posts (or pages, or any other post type you want the recipe embedded in) on the left-hand navigation bar. When you’re on the “Add New Post” screen you will see this 2. You can start to […]
How to create recipes that have multiple parts
Some recipes consist of different parts, like a salad with a dressing, or a cake with a base, a filling and a topping. If you would just type in all the ingredients in one big list, things will get very confusing and complicated for your readers. With Zip Recipes it is very easy to differentiate […]
Recipe text shows up as bold and very large
You have been adding recipes and loving it. Then bam, you add a recipe and the text appears huge! Don’t worry, there’s an easy fix. It is caused by inserting a recipe while a headline is selected. Solution Steps To fix it: 1. Click the Zip Recipes placeholder: 2. Click the text format dropdown and […]
Change recipe card labels
As plugin authors, sometimes we lack the unique creativity to give things creative names 🤪. For example, on your recipe card, instead of boring Instructions, you might want to have Directions, or Path to Deliciousness? Good news: we are currently busy converting this method to change recipe card labels to a new option on the settings page. That means that someday […]
Saving Recipes to Pinterest, Yummly and BigOven
In order to get the most traffic, you need to spread your recipes far and wide. Some websites that have garnered a reputation for being recipe hubs are Pinterest, BigOven and Yummly. They each have large communities of people looking for recipes and can be large source of traffic. In order to appear on these […]